Accessibility Audit Services

Meet the highest standards of accessibility with comprehensive Accessibility Audit services

Water Drops on Clear Glass

Empower your product to reach all users, regardless of ability, through meticulous analysis, accessibility insights, and data-driven accessibility audit services.

95.9% of the world’s web pages have accessibility issues
95.9% of the world’s web pages have accessibility issues
2024 accessibility report
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Accessibility audit services that ensure inclusive digital experiences for all users

With a keen eye for innovation and a commitment to inclusivity, we guide your brand toward growth, scalability, and deeper market penetration, ensuring your digital offerings are in alignment with user needs and compliance with industry standards.

  • WCAG 2.2 compliance

    Achieve compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for universally accessible products. Our data-driven approach evaluates products against A, AA, and AAA standards, identifying areas for improvement and providing actionable recommendations to maintain compliance at the desired level.

  • Accessibility audit framework

    Aubergine implements its custom, in-depth accessibility framework across Visual, Content, and UX categories, which forms the cornerstone of our comprehensive evaluation methodology and robust assessment and recommendation process.

  • Tech + design evaluation

    Our comprehensive evaluation covers both tech and design parameters, ensuring complete accessibility assessment coverage beyond traditional audits focused solely on WCAG guidelines. This holistic approach helps businesses create truly inclusive and user-centric digital experiences.

  • Accessibility audit report

    Our Accessibility Audit Report is meticulously designed to highlight gaps based on severity, target group coverage, and various types of classifications. It highlights specific areas of partial and non-compliance based on the impact on user experience and priority of resolution.

  • Actionable recommendations and roadmap

    A tailored compliance and opportunity roadmap serves as your strategic guide to systematically enhance accessibility systematically, ensuring a clear path toward achieving and maintaining compliance. Data-driven actionable insights provide precise enhancement schedules prioritized by impact and complexity. 

UI Comparison of Before and after screens with some elements and graphs.
“Accessible design is good design. It benefits people who don’t have disabilities as well as people who do.”
“Accessible design is good design. It benefits people who don’t have disabilities as well as people who do.”
Steve Ballmer
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How can our accessibility audit services elevate your business?

Our accessibility audit reports ensure product compliance by meeting the highest accessibility standards and enhancing user experience across diverse demographics.

Accessibility-driven business success

Streamline your path to market adoption and enhance your product's accessibility standards by meeting crucial criteria with expert guidance. Ensure enterprise-ready compliance that meets large business requirements with our 360° audit services.

Legal compliance and risk mitigation

Ensuring accessibility compliance helps mitigate legal risks associated with non-compliance, safeguarding your business from potential lawsuits and regulatory penalties while fostering a culture of accessibility and compliance.

Enhanced brand reputation

By prioritizing accessibility compliance, your business demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and social responsibility, enhancing your brand reputation and attracting a broader audience base.

Long-term cost savings

Investing in accessibility compliance upfront reduces the need for costly retrofits and maintenance down the line, resulting in long-term cost savings and a more sustainable approach to digital product development.

Expanded market reach

Accessible digital products cater to individuals with diverse abilities, including those with disabilities, aging populations, and users in different contexts. By ensuring accessibility, you expand your market reach and tap into previously underserved customer segments.

Future-proof your business

As accessibility continues to gain importance in digital design and regulatory requirements evolve, investing in accessibility compliance now ensures your business remains adaptable and resilient to future changes in the digital landscape.

Our unique approach to accessibility audit

Aubergine’s audit process integrates design, UX, WGAC compliance, and user behavior insights to ensure a holistic assessment of digital experiences.

Highlights the main issues areas and other context in the skeleton format. The main issues areas are shown in a popup with the accessibility audit report which shows the level.
Highlights the main issues areas and other context in the skeleton format. The main issues areas are shown in a popup with the accessibility audit report which shows the level.
Stakeholder-driven audits

Our UX/Accessibility experts directly engage with stakeholders to tailor audits that are designed to align seamlessly with your business goals and user demands, ensuring your product efficiently meets both market and accessibility standards.

Design point of view

Our unique evaluation framework allows businesses to evaluate products from a design POV, allowing holistic enhancements in the products' adaptability and usability.

Benchmark latest WCAG guidelines

We ensure alignment with the latest WCAG guidelines, offering recommendations on their impact across product development and design teams.

Impact-driven accessibility enhancements

Our evaluations generate a multi-phased roadmap that meticulously prioritizes impact, driving significant advancements while addressing the most critical areas first.

Our recent projects

From the idea conception to a market launch, we will support you on every stage and provide the best user experience for the end users.



Industries we serve as a leading UX design agency

At Aubergine Solutions, our team of accessibility audit specialists brings a wealth of experience in crafting digital solutions for startups, SMEs, and enterprises alike.  Collaborating seamlessly with a blend of innovative developers and UX designers, we've spearheaded transformative products across diverse industries, driving impactful change and success for our clients.

Project Operations
Pet and Vet Care
Performing Arts
Advertisement (AdTech)
Education (EdTech)
Business Administration
Customer Success
Real Estate
Business Intelligence
Talent Management
Finance (FinTech)
Document Management
Cyber Security
Green Lifestyle
IT Monitoring
Artificial Intelligence
Identity Management
Wifi Management
Pet and Vet Care
Education (EdTech)
Green Lifestyle
Performing Arts
Real Estate
Finance (FinTech)
Project Operations
Business Administration
Business Intelligence
Document Management
IT Monitoring
Identity Management
Wifi Management
Advertisement (AdTech)
Customer Success
Talent Management
Cyber Security
Artificial Intelligence


What is an Accessibility Audit, and how does it impact my business?


Why should you invest in an Accessibility Audit?


What is included in the Accessibility Audit?


How long does an Accessibility evaluation typically take, and what is the process?


How does an Accessibility Audit differ from a UX Audit?
