
People ignore design that ignores people

by Frank Chimero

Aubergine UX/UI designers brainstorming ideas


A mix of analytical and creative brains for your product

An expert’s report done after a usability audit of your existing product. We identify areas of improvement based on user feedback, product usage analytics and heuristic evaluation.

Our UX Designers put themselves into the shoes of the end users by user interviews and observations in live scenarios. Empathizing with users helps in clearly defining the problem statements.

Designing end-to-end experience for the end user of your product. Identifying touchpoints and simplifying the experience one workflow at a time. Making it easy to use your product!

The interface that talks to the users is all that they see and understand. Our Top UX Designers craft clear communication keeping in mind accessibility as well as delight.

We share a passion for shaping digital experiences that stand the test of time, helping you scale beyond ceilings. Our bespoke approach weaves together the essence of your brand with the needs of the digital age, ensuring your presence is not just noticed, but felt and remembered.

Tech health report card by Aubergine


Assess your product’s usability with experts

We as usability experts can evaluate your current product against standard usability heuristics. This helps in identifying which principles and areas of improvements the product re-design needs to focus on.


Hold the vision. Trust the process.

We come with an inquisitive mind, follow the design thinking process meticulously and deliver the results professionally. This process is always adapted to the needs of the product.

Design Process  at Aubergine


Deep research for establishing clear concepts

Every time we work with a new product, we bring with us the exposure of working with multiple other products, domains and user types. In order for us to solve the problem in hand, we take the time to understand all the dimensions that impact the core concepts of the product. This involves research and analysis at multiple levels including qualitative and quantitative research.


Conversations with various stakeholders and domain experts combined with desk research to clearly understand how the given industry functions.


Stepping into the shoes of real users via user interviews, observing users in action, understanding their goals and frustrations and building empathy.


Identifying challenges in the current product through usability heuristic review, usage analytics and feedback of real customers.


Observing competitors in and out and figuring out what works and what doesn’t work for them. identifying opportunities to differentiate from them.

Concept Diagram
User Persona


The strategy that will lay the foundation of the product

Just like a building cannot stand tall without a foundation, a product cannot be usable if the architecture is not clearly defined. This is the most crucial step in the process which ensures that the product is following the mental model of the end users. A clear foundation is an invisible layer that goes a long way in building a scalable, usable and intuitive product.


Identifying the core concepts and entities of the product and how they are related to each other. A clear definition of the goal of the product.

User Journey

From the first touch point of the user with the product till the end of it, identifying multiple steps in between which hold the opportunity to simplify the process.


Exercises like card sorting which is used to design the information architecture, navigation mechanism and also helps in organizing and prioritizing information.


Focusing on individual scenarios and use cases in order to breakdown the workflow into various screens and actions taken to move forward in the workflow.

Information Architecture
Product Workflow


Layout the information and craft the interaction hooks

The building of the solution is all about meticulous details that go into the design of every single step in the journey. Multiple explorations and iterations are the heart of this step. We involve multiple stakeholders including users, product team and tech team to participate in the process. The solution is ultimately the sweet spot between business, technology and user needs.


The layout of individual pages or screens that are loaded with useful information and actions, carefully crafted by defining primary, secondary and tertiary.


Rapid prototyping comes in handy when we want various stakeholders to visualize the workflow. They help in testing, pitching the product idea and even estimating technology efforts.

Usability Tests

Early testing of the concepts can help in improving the product before investing into building it. Usability tests are conducted in order to identify areas of improvement at the design stage itself.


Every product is a face of the brand that users spend most time with. A clearly designed visual language feeds into a strong design system to ensure brand consistency across the platform.


Adding skin to the skeleton helps in adding the character to the product. Consistent visual language is followed to ensure aesthetics are retained and that there is predictability of usage.


Detailed micro-interactions are designed for ease of use, adding an element of delight and for simple usability principles like visibility of system status.

Dashboard UI
Design system


Enable accurate execution of the designs

A designer’s job is not done until the designs come to life and land into the hands of the real users. We take responsibility for collaborating with the technology team to ensure they get accurate specifications across multiple screen resolutions along with all necessary assets that ensure the implementation is as close as possible to the original designs.


Every pixel, icon, images, assets and more are delivered using the latest tools with ultimate accuracy. Active collaboration happens between designer and developer to ensure they are both on the same page.


Once the implementation is done, the design team takes a deep dive into the details that can be further improved, behaviours that need to be correctly executed and address any new workflows that may have come out.

Design Specs in Figma