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Bridging the gap between AI agents and human interaction

From chatbots to virtual assistants, AI agents are designed to simplify our lives. However, there’s an unspoken barrier in this interaction. Many AI-driven interfaces overlook a hidden prerequisite: the need for users to know how to “communicate” with AI agents effectively.

A study by MIT revealed that 55% of users stopped using AI assistants due to latency issues, while 43% cited poor natural language understanding as a major frustration. These figures highlight a growing challenge in AI adoption: while the technology behind AI agents is advancing, the way these systems interact with users often falls short of expectations, leaving people frustrated and disengaged.

Take, for instance, the Humane AI Pin, a highly anticipated wearable that aims to revolutionize how we interact with AI. The AI Pin is designed to seamlessly blend into daily life, allowing users to access information and perform tasks through hands-free, voice-controlled interactions. However, early users have reported instances where the AI assistant interrupts conversations or responds before fully understanding the input. Another major criticism came from the product’s poorly designed and clunky user experience, that required users to interact with a screen projected on their palm.


This illustrates a broader issue in AI agent design: responsiveness without understanding. Instead of seamless integration into their routine, users find themselves navigating around the UX limitations. It highlights the challenge of building AI agents that can process complex, real-time inputs while maintaining a natural flow of conversation.

By focusing solely on functionality, designers risk neglecting the user’s need for access and usability. To truly humanize AI-driven products, designers must bridge this communication gap, ensuring that AI empowers users without expecting them to already be experts in AI interaction.

Creating seamless user experiences for AI Agents

AI agents are designed to streamline tasks, yet when poorly implemented, they often create friction. Imagine an insurance platform where an AI agent flags a routine policy claim as potentially fraudulent and automatically suspends coverage. The user receives a vague notification without any clear explanation or guidance on what went wrong. Frustrated, they try to engage with the AI agent for help, only to receive generic responses that provide no real clarity or actionable steps to resolve the issue.

Instead of offering security and support, the interaction leaves the user confused and anxious, unable to resolve the problem effectively. This is what happens when AI is integrated without thoughtful UX design. The AI agent, rather than assisting, creates new layers of frustration by failing to adapt to the user’s context and needs, turning a once helpful tool into a source of anxiety.

In many cases, the problem lies in the tendency to focus on the technical capabilities of AI while neglecting usability. For instance, an AI agent in a claims processing system might require users to submit information in highly specific terms to get relevant responses. If the input is slightly unclear, the AI may offer irrelevant solutions, forcing users to adapt to the agent’s limitations, increasing cognitive load, and undermining the goal of simplifying tasks.

However, AI agents can be designed to work more seamlessly. Consider a claims management tool where the AI agent intuitively interprets vague or incomplete inputs, guiding the user step by step with contextually relevant assistance. This kind of proactive design anticipates the user’s needs, reducing friction and allowing them to focus on resolving their issue, rather than figuring out how to interact with the AI.

Accessibility is another crucial aspect of AI design. Providing both text and voice interaction modes ensures that users with varying needs, such as those who are visually or hearing impaired, can engage with the system effectively. By creating multi-modal interactions, AI agents not only become more inclusive but also more adaptive, offering a smoother experience tailored to individual user preferences and environments.

When designed with empathy, AI agents simplify workflows, enhance productivity, and ensure users are in control—without the frustration of navigating complex systems.

The key lessons ahead are drawn from our real-world case studies and extensive experience designing and developing AI agents that work seamlessly with users. Through these insights, you’ll see how thoughtful design can turn AI agents into powerful tools that elevate the user experience.

Make AI agents useful, not just impressive

It’s easy to be drawn to AI agents that appear cutting-edge but fall short of delivering meaningful value. While the temptation may be to showcase technical sophistication, the true goal of AI agents should be to simplify, accelerate, and enhance the user experience in ways that feel seamless and intuitive. Too often, AI is deployed in ways that add friction, forcing users to adapt their behavior rather than allowing the AI to adapt to their needs.

For example, we developed a highly adaptable and contextually responsive AI agent capable of taking on various roles based on the user’s needs. From nuanced counseling to mentoring for personal development, the AI agent’s dynamic nature allows it to provide customized, relevant guidance with minimum effort from the user.

A function we introduced was the ability for users to interrupt the AI seamlessly via an intuitive interface. Rather than passively waiting for the AI to complete its output, users can engage dynamically, guiding the conversation as they would in a human interaction. This creates a sense of control and fluidity, which is critical for maintaining user trust and engagement.

Additionally, all interactions are captured through a live transcript, which allows users to revisit conversations at any time. Hence, their information processing is not solely dependent on the AI agent. This feature transforms the AI from a one-time assistant into a continuous source of insight. Users can track their progress, refer back to advice, and maintain a comprehensive record of their development journey, enhancing both transparency and utility.

The AI agent’s functionality is delivered through a seamless dashboard, which unifies these experiences into a single, user-friendly interface. Designed with clarity and simplicity in mind, the dashboard ensures that users can switch between voice and text inputs, manage their sessions, and review their transcripts without distraction. The focus remains on the task at hand – whether it’s career growth or skill development, allow the AI to remain unobtrusive, yet impactful.

Build AI agents as quiet advisors, not loud experts

When we partnered with a private financial institution to develop an AI agent as their core financial advisor. The goal was clear: design an AI agent that could process vast amounts of data and offer real-time, intelligent recommendations. However, through intensive market research, we learned that users didn’t appreciate an AI agent dictating their decisions. Instead, they needed a tool that enhanced their instincts and an empathetic advisor.

In the initial design, the AI worked well in theory. It tracked market trends, provided constant updates, and processed complex data. However, during user testing, the AI felt intrusive, bombarding users with excessive insights and disrupting their workflow. What was meant to be a helpful advisor ended up creating unnecessary noise.

To resolve this, we pivoted and reimagined the AI agent as an empathetic advisor and trusted partner. Instead of constantly pushing data, the AI agent learned to observe, stepping in only when it could provide targeted, actionable insights that aligned with each user’s unique requirements in mind. By personalizing the AI agent to adapt to individual behaviors, it shifted from an overactive assistant to a strategic partner, delivering insights when most relevant.

Trust and transparency were central to our redesign. We built in clear explanations for every recommendation, allowing users to understand not just what the AI agent suggested but why. This experience transformed the AI agent from being a black box into a trusted ally, enabling users to make informed decisions with confidence.

To reduce cognitive load, the AI was designed to deliver precise, digestible insights, avoiding information overload. Users could customize the type and frequency of alerts, ensuring they received only the most relevant data. Additionally, the AI became contextually aware, stepping in at the right moments to offer guidance.

Ultimately, the AI agent became more than just a feature. It became an adaptable advisor that enhanced decision-making without overshadowing the expertise of the user. By staying in the background, offering clear, actionable insights only when needed, and adapting to the user’s unique workflow, we built an AI agent that seamlessly empowered users to make smarter, faster decisions.

Addressing key challenges for streamlined user experiences

When designing AI agents, addressing key challenges like latency, voice-to-text accuracy, and scalability is critical to creating a seamless user experience. Each of these factors affects how well AI agents integrate into users’ workflows and how they perform under pressure.

Tackling latency

Latency, the delay between input and response, can disrupt user flow and create frustration. In fields like finance and healthcare, even slight delays can harm engagement and trust. Latency arises when AI agents rely on cloud servers to process data, leading to delays as information travels between devices and remote servers.

To minimize latency, a hybrid approach works best. Local devices handle simple tasks, providing fast responses, while complex computations are sent to the cloud only when necessary. This approach ensures users get instant feedback without unnecessary delays. Optimizing algorithms for local processing, particularly through edge computing, further reduces latency. Good latency typically stays under 300 milliseconds, a threshold where users perceive interactions as immediate and seamless.

Reducing latency is crucial when delivering complex answers, as delays break user momentum. With faster, real-time responses, AI agents keep users focused and engaged, maintaining smooth interactions even under pressure. By balancing local and cloud processing, the AI enhances productivity without interruptions.

Creating fluid interactions

Voice-based interactions hold great promise but often face issues like misinterpreted speech, delays, or robotic responses that frustrate users. To create smooth, natural interactions, AI agents must not only recognize words but understand context, accents, and speech patterns. Enhanced natural language processing (NLP) models can address this, allowing the AI to engage in conversations that feel more intuitive and human-like.

Good UX design plays a crucial role in making both voice and text interfaces more user-friendly. For text, offering contextual hints or auto-complete suggestions helps guide users, while real-time feedback in voice interfaces reassures users that the system is listening and processing their input. Additionally, adaptive dialogue design enables the AI to respond to follow-up questions without breaking conversational flow, making the experience feel seamless. Cultural nuances such as accents, intonations and enunciation styles are also taken into account, making the conversation experience feel extremely natural and human.

By combining advanced NLP and thoughtful UX, AI agents can engage in more fluid, human-centric interactions, enhancing both voice and text-based experiences.

Scaling with efficiency: Managing simultaneous queries

In high-demand environments like e-commerce customer service portals or healthcare diagnostics tools, scalability is crucial. AI agents must process multiple user queries at once without sacrificing response speed or quality. Handling simultaneous interactions effectively ensures the system remains responsive and accurate, even when faced with peak traffic.

Efficient query management relies on smart prioritization, where more critical or time-sensitive requests are addressed first, while less urgent tasks are queued. Additionally, load balancing algorithms distribute processing demands evenly across available resources, preventing bottlenecks and ensuring smooth performance. By managing resources this way, AI agents can maintain performance without overwhelming the system, delivering fast and accurate responses regardless of demand.

IRIS: A journey towards seamless AI interaction

Every great AI agent begins with a challenge: how do you take something inherently complex and make it feel simple, even human? At Aubergine Solutions, we set out to create an AI agent that didn’t just dazzle with flashy features, but solved the very real challenges users face every day—latency, adaptability, and scalability.

Enter IRIS, our AI agent designed to be as fluid as the conversations it facilitates. IRIS wasn’t built to impress with gimmicks; it was crafted to make life easier, to anticipate user needs, and to fit into workflows like a well-worn glove. The heart of IRIS’s design lies in its focus on making technology feel invisible, working quietly in the background while ensuring that users stay in control.

  1. Speed in every scenario

Whether it’s executing a high-stakes financial trade or making a critical healthcare decision, IRIS is engineered to minimize those moments of latency that disconnect users from their tasks.

Its true strength lies not just in its rapid response times, but in how it handles even the most complex queries with ease, allowing users to stay fully immersed in their work.

  1. Understanding you, no matter how you speak

IRIS excels at understanding users beyond just the words they say. It captures the tone, context, and intent behind each interaction. Whether a user is speaking in technical jargon or casual terms, IRIS adapts its responses thanks to advanced natural language processing. 

Seamlessly converting voice to text and vice versa, it ensures that communication remains fluid. Whether you’re diagnosing a technical issue or making a simple inquiry, IRIS speaks your language with clarity and precision.

  1. Scaling to meet every demand

From handling a single user query to managing thousands simultaneously, IRIS scales effortlessly. 

Whether managing customer support on an e-commerce platform or providing frontline diagnostics in healthcare, IRIS ensures that every interaction is handled swiftly, maintaining both effectiveness and accuracy, no matter the demand.

  1. An advisor who knows when to help. 

IRIS is designed to be a silent partner. It doesn’t interrupt or demand attention—it steps in only when necessary, adapting to the user’s needs and integrating seamlessly into their workflow. Whether providing real-time feedback or guiding users through a complex process, IRIS functions as more than just a tool—it becomes a trusted companion. Present when needed, invisible when not, IRIS enhances the experience without overshadowing it.

This is what we believe AI should be: not loud or complicated, but quiet, effective, and human. With IRIS, we’re not just solving the challenges of AI interaction—we’re redefining how people engage with AI altogether.

Krutik Bhavsar
I‘m a Lead UX designer with over 8+ years of experience in conceptualising and designing solution for the complex systems. Leading and facilitating design sprints and design thinking to convert ideas and concepts to products and visions.
Avantika Mishra
Content scavenger. Love tech, innovative solutions for a better world, and I think AI could save the world.