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4 Types Of ListView In Flutter You Should Know

Photo by Joyce McCown on Unsplash

ListView is basically a list of items. Users can scroll vertically or horizontally to see more items when the list is big enough to not fit on screen.

This article covers the basics of 4 types of ListView in Flutter. I know you have less time so let’s get straight to the points.

Here are the ListViews that we are going to cover.

  • ListView
  • AnimatedListView
  • ListWheelScrollview
  • Reorderable list view

First thing first…


This type of ListView is used widely in app development as it offers most of the things.

The basic code looks like this

  children: <Widget>[
      title: Text('Item 1'),
      title: Text('Item 2'),
      title: Text('Item 3'),

Let’s make it Dynamic

final items = ['Item 1','Item 2','Item 3','Item 4','Item 5','Item 6','Item 7','Item 8','Item 9',];
  itemCount: items.length,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    return ListTile(
      title: Text(items[index]),

ListView.builder is a special constructor that takes itemCount and based on that it creates widget inside itemBuilder which has access to the current item index.

This simple trick will make ListView infinite…

TIP: Just remove the itemCount parameter and you are done.

  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    return ListTile(
      title: Text('Item $index'),


An AnimatedList is a List that animates the item when inserted or removed.

It looks like this…

  itemBuilder: (context, index, animation) {
    return slideIt(context, index, animation);

Let’s make it work step by step

Step : Prepare variables

/// Will used to access the Animated list 
final GlobalKey<AnimatedListState> listKey = GlobalKey<AnimatedListState>();
/// This holds the items
List<int> _items = [];
/// This holds the item count
int counter = 0;

Step : Deploy the AnimatedList.

  key: listKey,
  initialItemCount: _items.length,
  itemBuilder: (context, index, animation) {
    return slideIt(context, index, animation); // Refer step 3

Step : Write a widget to display as Items in a list.

Widget slideIt(BuildContext context, int index, animation) {
  int item = _items[index];
  TextStyle textStyle = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4;
  return SlideTransition(
    position: Tween<Offset>(
      begin: const Offset(-1, 0),
      end: Offset(0, 0),
    child: SizedBox( // Actual widget to display
      height: 128.0,
      child: Card(
        color: Colors.primaries[item % Colors.primaries.length],
        child: Center(
          child: Text('Item $item', style: textStyle),

Step : Insert the Item.

    duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
_items = []

For this example, we are adding any new item to the first index.

Step : Remove the Item.

    0, (_, animation) => slideIt(context, 0, animation),
    duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500));


As you can see in the above GIF, The items in ListWheelScrollview are placed like these numbers on the wheel. It gives the then effect of items are actually rotating on a wheel.

Minimal code looks like this…

  itemExtent: 75,
  children: items,

now just create items

final items = [
title: Text('Item 1'),
  title: Text('Item 2'),
    title: Text('Item 3'),

And you are done.


It’s a ListView which allows us to reorder the items by drag and drop.

  children: List.generate(items.length, (index) {
    return ListTile(
      key: ValueKey("value$index"),
      title: Text('Item $index'),
  onReorder: (int oldIndex, int newIndex) {
    setState(() {
      _updateMyItems(oldIndex, newIndex);

onReorder will be called whenever the user successfully drags and drop the item at the new location.

_updateMyItems is simply swapping the item in the variable which is used to get data like this…

void _updateMyItems(int oldIndex, int newIndex) {
  if (newIndex > oldIndex) {
    newIndex -= 1;
  final String item = items.removeAt(oldIndex);
  items.insert(newIndex, item);

Thanks for reading. If you found this article to be helpful please share it with your friends.

Please take a moment to read this blog post on “Implementing Authentication and Navigation in Flutter Web with go_router.

Pinkesh Darji
I love to solve problems using technology that improves user’s life on a major scale. Over the last several years, I have been developing and leading various mobile apps in different areas. More than just programming, I love to write technical articles. I have written many high-quality technical articles. I have worked with various startups to build their dream app. I have been involved in product development since my early days and know insights into it. I have provided my valuable input while taking some crucial decisions of the app by brainstorming with a design, QA team. Over the last 3 years, I have been developing mobile apps and libraries using Google’s Flutter framework. I mentor junior Flutter developers and review their code. You will also find me talking on various Flutter topics in local meetups.