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Work Culture

Creating a Culture of Innovation

Innovation is often regarded as the cornerstone of business success. However, innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum—it’s shaped by the organizational culture in which it exists. While leadership styles and management skills are essential for guiding a company, they don’t always foster innovation. In fact, certain management-driven cultural traits can inadvertently stifle the creativity needed for true innovation to thrive.

At Aubergine Solutions, we’ve learned that innovation isn’t about imposing top-down strategies; it’s about creating an environment where creativity can naturally flourish. Our approach is grounded in the belief that a workplace culture encouraging experimentation, embracing failure, and fostering collaboration is the real driver of sustained innovation. Over the years, we’ve seen how this mindset leads to superior outcomes, not through rigid management controls, but by empowering teams to explore, think outside the box, collaborate, and grow.

In this blog, we’ll share how we’ve cultivated an innovative culture at Aubergine, one that transcends traditional management techniques and leverages our people’s collective creativity. We’ll explore practical strategies that any organization can implement to foster a culture of innovation, backed by real-world examples from our own experiences.

The Business Case for Fostering Innovation

In a 2022 article, Forbes aptly stated, “The modern employee increasingly wants to belong.” This sense of belonging is not just about camaraderie, it’s about being part of a culture that values and nurtures innovation. Considering that employees worldwide spend a significant portion of their lives at work (averaging 36.6 hours per week in the U.S., 46.1 hours in China, and approximately 50 hours in India), the workplace becomes a critical arena for fostering innovative thinking and practices.

Innovation thrives in environments where organizational culture actively supports and encourages experimentation and creative problem-solving. Innovation is about bringing new ideas to life, challenging the status quo, and transforming how things are done. According to a report by Deloitte, organizations that prioritize innovation are twice as likely to report strong financial performance compared to those that do not. The Boston Consulting Group also found that innovative companies grow at a rate three times higher than the market average.


Fostering a culture of innovation means creating a workplace where employees feel safe to take risks and explore new ideas without the fear of failure. When employees are encouraged to think creatively and contribute to meaningful projects, they develop a deeper sense of belonging and purpose. This connection not only boosts their engagement but also drives retention. A survey shows that engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their organizations, saving companies significant costs associated with turnover and recruitment. Furthermore, engaged employees contribute to a 21% increase in profitability, illustrating the direct correlation between employee satisfaction, innovation, and financial performance.

In contrast, organizations that stifle creativity and innovation can lead to disengaged employees who feel disconnected and unmotivated. Disengaged employees are less productive, which can significantly impact the organization’s overall performance. Research estimates that disengaged employees cost the global economy $8.8 trillion annually in lost productivity. This underscores the importance of cultivating an innovative and supportive work environment where employees feel valued and empowered to contribute their best ideas.

Leadership’s Role in Cultivating Innovation

Effective leadership is central to building a workplace culture that fosters creativity and innovation.

“Our industry does not respect tradition—it only respects innovation.”
– Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

Under Nadella’s leadership, Microsoft underwent a cultural transformation that broke down silos and encouraged collaboration and experimentation. This shift reinvigorated Microsoft’s innovative capabilities, leading to breakthroughs in cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

Conversely, leadership styles that are overly controlling or risk-averse can hinder innovation. Research published in the Harvard Business Review indicates that when managers micromanage and discourage dissent, employees are less likely to propose new ideas, leading to stagnation and decreased competitiveness.

The Power of an Innovative Culture: Google’s “20% Time” Policy

One of the most renowned examples of fostering innovation through organizational culture is Google’s “20% Time” policy. This initiative allows employees to dedicate 20% of their working hours, essentially one day a week, to pursue projects they are passionate about, even if those projects fall outside the scope of their primary job responsibilities. The underlying philosophy is simple yet powerful: when employees are given the freedom to explore ideas that excite them, they are more likely to tap into their creativity and produce groundbreaking innovations.

This policy has proven to be a catalyst for some of Google’s most successful products. Gmail, which has become one of the most widely used email services globally, was born out of an engineer’s 20% time. Similarly, Google Maps, a product that revolutionized how people navigate the world, also started as a side project under this policy.

Building an innovative work culture – the Aubergine guidebook

Innovation thrives in environments where creativity is encouraged, collaboration is prioritized, and change is embraced. At Aubergine, we’ve cultivated a work culture that welcomes experimentation and sees value in learning from every attempt, successful or not. 

By harmonizing a multimodal workforce, prioritizing collective creativity, and fostering openness to change, we empower our team to push boundaries and continuously innovate. Through transparent career progression and a commitment to shared growth, we create a workplace where every Aubie can thrive and contribute to our collective success.

Allow for play

Innovation often emerges from unexpected places, and fostering a safe environment for experimentation is key.

At Aubergine, we have always valued the spirit of experimenttion. I recall a time when one of our developers proposed using a new project management tool that was relatively untested in our industry. Given the potential risks of adopting unfamiliar software, there was some initial hesitation. However, we decided to trust the process and allowed the team to experiment with it.

Although the tool didn’t work as expected initially, the insights we gained were invaluable. The team discovered a more efficient way to integrate the tool with our existing processes, leading to a 15% reduction in delivery times. This experience underscored the importance of giving teams the freedom to explore new ideas, knowing that even if they fail, the learning curve will benefit future projects.Care about your mistakes to improve future outcomes.

Harmonize your multimodal workforce

The modern workplace is diverse, encompassing remote, hybrid, and in-office environments. At Aubergine, we’ve embraced this reality by uniting our team across different work modes and locations into a cohesive and innovative unit. This integration is about more than technology; it’s about fostering shared experiences and a sense of belonging, regardless of where or when our employees work.

“Aubergine worked extremely fast, and they used our timezone difference advantageously by working while we were sleeping and leaving us a lot of things to review the next day. Our partnership felt instant. We had 42 meetings in 71 business days — they were extremely accessible. Despite our timezone difference, we never had meetings beyond our regular business hours.”

Jasmin Pednault, Product Manager, Sponsorium, Montreal, Quebec

Flexibility is key to our approach, especially with a multimodal workforce spread across different time zones. We respect work and personal boundaries, emphasizing the importance of a healthy work-life balance. Rather than expecting employees to complete specific tasks by a set time, we ask for a certain number of working hours. This approach allows our team members to collaborate effectively while managing their time in ways that work best for them. By focusing on quality output instead of centralized monitoring, we create an environment where innovation can flourish.

Research supports our approach. Consider the classic Hawthorne Studies, where workers in varying conditions were observed to see how different factors impacted productivity. Interestingly, productivity increased when workers felt their work environment was responsive to their needs, regardless of the changes made. The psychological insight is clear: when employees feel trusted and valued, with the autonomy to manage their work, they are more likely to innovate.

“coming to office and collaborating with team members online doesn’t feels like work, it feels like we are going to explore ourselves, it’s fun!”

– Anonymous Aubie

Our initiatives reflect this understanding. We host Tech Industry Meetups, inviting external partners to collaborate with our team, sparking creativity and fresh perspectives. These sessions go beyond networking—they are incubators for new ideas.

We also use collaborative tools like Figma, FigJam, and Google Docs to enable seamless interaction across work settings and time zones. These tools facilitate brainstorming and problem-solving, allowing creativity to thrive no matter where our employees are.

Our Learning Labs further support innovation by encouraging employees to explore new skills and ideas, promoting experimentation and boundary-pushing. By valuing flexibility, autonomy, and quality output, Aubergine fosters a culture where innovation is not just encouraged—it’s a natural outcome. This approach ensures we remain agile, innovative, and ready to meet the evolving challenges of the tech industry.

Prioritize collective creativity over silo efforts

The synergy created by collaborative problem-solving can lead to groundbreaking innovations.

Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do at Aubergine. One memorable instance was during the development of a complex UX feature for a client. The project required input from multiple departments, including design, development, and marketing. Rather than working in silos, we brought everyone together for a series of collaborative workshops.

The result was a UX feature that none of us could have created — a seamless integration of design elegance and technical functionality that became a key differentiator for our client in a competitive market. This experience highlighted the power of collective creativity and the incredible outcomes that can emerge when diverse minds come together.

Encourage Openness to Change

Cultivate a mindset that embraces change and sees it as an opportunity for innovation. Employees should feel empowered to question the status quo and propose new ideas.

In the face of a significant market shift, we realized that our product strategy for a client was no longer viable. Instead of clinging to what had worked in the past, we encouraged our team to rethink our approach from the ground up. One of our team leads, initially hesitant to challenge the status quo, suggested a bold pivot that involved reimagining the core features of our product. 

We embraced this idea, and it turned out to be a game-changer. The new strategy kept the product competitive, led to a product that exceeded user expectations, and opened up new market opportunities. This experience showed us that true innovation often requires the courage to embrace change and the willingness to take risks.

“I come from a different educational background, but my passion lies in the field I am currently working in. The management gave me an opportunity to learn and grow, considering my strong interest in the field. When I look back, I feel proud to learn that I have gained so much knowledge during my time here.”

– Anonymous Aubie, India’s top great places to work survey 2023

Support Transparent Career Progression

Create clear paths for career growth that encourage employees to take creative risks and innovate. Transparency in career progression helps employees feel valued and motivated to contribute to the organization’s success.

At Aubergine, we understand that innovation flourishes when employees are supported in their personal and professional development. One way we achieve this is through regular 1:1 meetings, which are designed to help team members explore new interests, align their goals with the company’s vision, and identify opportunities for growth.

A notable example of this approach in action is the story of an employee who began their journey at Aubergine in a technical role. During a series of 1:1 meetings, it became clear that they had a keen interest in leadership and strategy. These discussions provided a platform for the employee to voice their aspirations and receive guidance on achieving them. Recognizing their potential, we offered them the opportunity to take on more responsibility and lead a small team.

Encouraged to take creative risks, this individual introduced several innovative practices that significantly boosted team productivity. Their transition from a technical role to a leadership position wasn’t just a personal achievement but also a testament to the power of transparent career progression and the value of regular, meaningful conversations between employees and their mentors.

Today, this employee is among our most valued leaders, driving innovation across multiple teams.

The power of collective brilliance – An endless journey of innovation

At Aubergine, innovation isn’t just a goal—it’s an ongoing journey powered by the collective brilliance of our team. We believe that when diverse minds come together, incredible things happen. This belief is at the heart of our culture, where every Aubie is valued not just for their skills, but for the unique perspectives and creativity they bring to the table.

We’re proud to be officially recognized as a Great Place to Work – ‘In Building a Culture of Innovation by All’, with a Trust Index© score of 94 and 99% of our team affirming the sentiment. This recognition is more than just an accolade, it’s a testament to the vibrant, innovative, and collaborative culture we’ve built together. It’s why we’ve been honored with the Great Place to Work award five times and why our team continues to thrive.

Our ethos—clarity, respect, passion, innovation, and quality—guides everything we do. We’re committed to creating a positive impact, starting from within. Whether through flexible work schedules, remote-friendly policies, or our commitment to continuous learning, we ensure that our workplace is one where innovation can flourish.

We understand that great work doesn’t just happen—it’s cultivated through trust, collaboration, and a shared vision for the future. At Aubergine, we’re not just crafting products; we’re shaping the future of technology with every project we undertake. And we do it as a team, fueled by our brilliance.

Join us on this endless journey of innovation. Whether you’re a designer, developer, or manager, you have a place at Aubergine. Explore careers here.

Bhakti Dudhara
Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer at Aubergine. Working daily as a user experience specialist, designing products that make a dent in the universe, and building a team capable of taking the legacy forward. Always eager to meet innovative product owners and mentoring designers since the day we started Aubergine in 2013. My philosophy of design lies in asking the right questions.
Sarthak Dudhara
Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Aubergine. Firm believer in "actions speak louder than words". There is nothing that gets me as excited as building new and exciting things that disrupt the status quo.